Gateway Insurance can serve as your Implementation Partner as your business changes payroll providers or platforms, or adds appropriate capabilities to your current payroll setup.
These services, designed to eliminate the burden businesses fce when changing vendors or adding new services, can include:
- Project management from start to finish, working with internal teams as appropriate
- Collections and compilation of data to be exported and extracted
- Review of company level information from prior vendor or internal system
- Creation of new employee information template
- Data validation and data integrity checks
- Verfication of tax setup
- Execution of test payroll to verify all employee information is properly uploaded into the new system
- Training of internal payroll administration resources
- Assistance in running first payroll
- Creation of a payroll procedural document
- Implementation of ancillary products including Time and Qttendenance Software, HR Modules, Self-Service features
- Creation and customization of new payroll reports for ongoing use